So Disney is everything I imagined and more, when you have a good DAY you have a great day, but when you have a bad day, it takes all self control not to round house guest, and tell them what you really think of them. While I have been here I have come to face such different challenges that I wasn't expecting. I was not expecting the toll standing for such long hours. I wasn't expecting the challenge of leaving so early for work, or the lack of car or the guilt of being here with out my sisters or my truest friend in the whole world.
I have truly made such wonderful friends while being down here, and some attractive manly figures! wink wink!!!! What shocks me the most, is when I look into the mirror, and i think of the girl I used to look at a few years ago. I have changed in so many ways. I would like to think that I have gotten stronger. I am so much more confident. I stand on my own personality here, I am not someones daughter, someones student, someones friend, someones staff. Here i had nothing to stand on but my own personality and my integrity. I could of been anyone that I wanted to be down here.
TOday i had a wonderful time today, even though I worked till 2 am, but its the kiddos that make it wonderful, and the adults that are so happy that make it worth every hour i stand. "princess keylegh" today was her birthday she turned 6, and she loves kindergarden, and can spell her name all by herself. OH BUT dear dear sophia and her parents that let her talk with me for 20 minuets. You made my DAY! I love all the smiling babies. I love my dear ROOMATES! they are so wonderful. I don't know what i would do with out those girls!
so here is what you have missed...
I went to the club, and nearly drowned, but foam party was a success, but working at 9 am after being out till 4 am. not my smartest moment. but no one remembers the night you got enough sleep right?
On leap year I waited in line for like 4 hours after working a 10 hour shift just to meet the dreamy disney character there is.....
oh isn't that smolder sexy???
so down here there are lizards EVERYWHERE, even in our apartment which i named Baskalisk and my roommates wouldn't let me keep him :)
I DROVE- and nothing bad happened!
I SWAM in the OCEAN!
I met the one and only Kenneth, and he used the force to make us waves!
I just adore my livvy Berry! Meeting her was inspired
WHat else can you do when you are the third wheel, ruin romantic pictures! photo bomming is my new favorite past time now. BTW
Friendships that will last forever.
I love my people! and apple bees at 1 am
we are bringing sexy back
YOu are not fully dressed with out a smile
say whhhhhhaaaaaaa!
YOu know i love my triple chocolate meltdown
and last but not least. what i do everyday! and well that timeless costume that makes me want to take lives :)
As for me, I will make my own magic, I go where the wind takes me, I will count on no one to make my happiness for me. I am not in control of life, but I am in control on how I let it effect me. I am one happy girl.
I'm soooooo proud of you!!