Monday, April 25, 2011


Every year I get so excited for Easter :) I love Easter Sunday, my whole family goes to church....about the only time I can get them all there at one time. I love the dying of eggs, although it make no logic to me, I love that we always go to Grandmas :) I love that we get a special time to remeber the Savior.

Although this Easter was a wee bit differnt :)

I was in a car accident, that thankfully not on was majorly hurt. But i slept through Easter :) so I missed all of the above.

Life sucks :) more correctly sucky things in life happen, we all know I have had my share, but looking back I wouldn't change a second of it.

As for my Uncle, things still looks dreary...but my aunt said this "we are looking for inches not miles" I think  i am so very blessed. I can't imagine my life anyother way. <3

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Little Late Night ....studying?

So I am studying for my sociology exam on Monday, and I have some thoughts about Social stratification.

This whole idea that your poor becuase you don't work hard enough? How is that even a legit enough to put in a text book. I can understand abusing the wealfare system (gah which irritages me ) but what do you tell the little girl whose mom work two jobs, and had to stop going to school to provide for her kids? What do you tell that little girl who wants a new pair of shoes....oh sorry your mom isn't working hard enough for you.

In the United States 37 million people are "cassified" as poor. "working poor"

So my Question is what is "The American Dream" is this idea of upward climb is social mobility. Ever raising the living standards for our children and our childrens children?

What is your dream?

There is this phycological idea behind being poor aswell, "poor people" are resigned to their situation thus not worried about gaining social mobility.

I find this all rediculous.....sure i know, I am not going to be Bill Gates one day, I am going to be a Social Worker....who will spend the rest of her life living pay check to pay check. I grew up way below that invisible "poverty line" i have never once concidered myself poor. I am making something out of my life, One day I will graduate from college, be the first one in my family to come out with a DEGREE, Once upon a time I will hopefuly get married..who knows..all I know is that we have an issue. The rich get richer and the poor get more poor. Which has been the story for a long time. Its this awkward prejudice against eachother. "the rich are selfish and they didn't earn their money....daddy gave it too them:" yayayda
"the poor just don't work hard enough"

I don't sugest i know the answer, but I do know is that if everyone were to help out someone when they needed help.....and i am not talking money/cash/loans...its the helping someone pull their weeds, letting someone who only has one item go ahead of you. LISTENING to people, be apart of peoples lives. Then we become a whole. Its not a Jesus thing its a HUMAN THING.

Ranting and ravings of a POOR college student :)

I will be there throught it all

So, eventful day today :)

Try to shorten it...

5k ..... amazing .... i am constantly amazed about the kindness of others.
Dear Katie Ann being beautiful and helpful locked my car door whilst my keys were in side, thought we might have to break sally's window....but she and I were saved my grizzly inked heros :)

Family <3 gotta love them

Uggg....little fact...Keshia is a nerd :) yea and she is highly introverted....and HATES dates.....uggg...i books, and quiet :( well no pain no gain? aye?

Thursday, April 14, 2011


"can you pop the trunk, so i can get my corn dogs"
-jonny k

A little AHA moment

So as I have been getting sick againg what a  shocker there, those who have known me along time know that i have basically been sick since the sixth grade, but as i feel i am dying I have come to this recognition. Life sucks, and every once in a while we have these amazing moments with other people and then we go home and do something normal like wash the dishes.
My thoughts seem to have gone to the "life isn't fair" sort. My uncle is SUFFERING and super sick with this thing that is kicking his butt. LIFE'S NOT FAIR. Julie has cancer LIFES NOT FAIR. school sucksLIFES NOT FAIR. my computer and phone died LIFE'S NOT FAIR. Whitney's uncle was takes so soon LIFES NOT FAIR, Maryanne jumped of the bridge LIFE'S NOT FAIR.

Then I turned to the scriptures....The Savior took on the sins of the world LIFES NOT FAIR The savior died on the cross next to criminals's not fair...AND I AM GLAD.

 Life wasn't made to be hard, I am blessed in so many ways, I have a job where i get to watch and help children/teens/adults grow, they teach me a new lesson everyday. I have an amazing family, i have the Gospel in my life, i have the Savior in my life, i have friends who are always there.

catch you on the flip side

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I'm having a bad, bad Day.

So you ever have a bad matter what you try you know that its going to be a crummy day. For those around me that don't know my Uncle is REALLY REALLY sick, and it breaks my heart knowing how much it is going to effect their family. They are a family who deserves the best, they took me in when I was at a loss of where to go and what to do. When I hear when people say God doesn't answer prayers I want to ask are you blind stupid, sure God does strike bad people down with a bolt of lighting, but i am a firm believer that GOD sends people into your life, and the CHANGE your life forever. Once upon a time they CHANGED me, they made an impact on my life, they showed me what a life with out abuse looked like, where there wasn't yelling, and hate. They are hard working. The Question that i am asking isn't why? because that just would be stupid, but what now?

To add to my bad day, my computer decided to committed suicide..jumped out of my arms and on to the drive way and now i need a new one ....and..... i need it for my job.

But because i am the disgustingly positive person I am...
Jim can recover my files and save them for me (thank baby Jesus....lots of money in that itunes)
Got to spend the day with some of the greatest teenagers in the world that i am blessed everyday to have them apart of my life, and a great friend...that deals with me and my phycobabble.
my car is back from the auto body shop.....and she is good as new...YAY Fast driving
I have the greatest friends in the world <3
I know that God is aware of our lives and loves and cares for us, but as long as i continue doing the right thing...everything will work out...maybe not the way i want it to but...hey what i am i the best at? picking my self up from ground zero...and we aren't even rock bottom yet :)